Psychologue Montreal
Psychologue Plateau Mont-Royal

Others Ressources
It is always possible to call 811 to learn about the different services that can be offered. In case of an emergency,
please go to a hospital close to your home.
TEL-AID : ÉCOUTE ACTIVE 24/7 (514.935.1101)
GAI-ÉCOUTE : 8H À 3H(AM) (514.866.0103)
PHOBIES-ZÉRO : 9H À 21H (1.866.922.0002)
TEL-JEUNES : 20 YEARS OLD AND LESS, 24/7 (1.800.263.2266)
For more resources, contact the Information and Referral
Centre of Greater Montreal (CRGM) at 514.527.1375
Feeling Good
In Feeling Good psychiatrist David D. Burns, M.D. outlines the remarkable, scientifically proven techniques that will immediately lift your spirits and help you develop a positive outlook on life. Recognise what causes your mood swings. Nip negative feelings in the bud. Deal with guilt. Handle hostility and criticism. Overcome addiction to love and approval. Build self-esteem. Feel good everyday.
The Happiness Trap
Russ Harris explains that the way most of us go about trying to find happiness ends up making us miserable, driving the epidemics of stress, anxiety, and depression. By clarifying your values and developing mindfulness (a technique for living fully in the present moment), ACT helps you escape the happiness trap and find true satisfaction in life.
Reinventing Your Life
Written with compassion as well as clinical insight, this thought-provoking book guides readers through the process of identifying "life traps." For example, "Do you put the needs of others before your own? Are you drawn into relationships with people who are self-centered, cold to you, misunderstand you, or use you? Do you feel inadequate compared to people around you?"
Contact Me
350 Av. St-Joseph, East #105
H2T 1J4
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